A message from Cycling UK.
As we look forward to a green recovery, provision of quality protected cycling space will be crucial to avoid crippling congestion and harmful air pollution.
But we’re already seeing a media backlash against relatively minor reallocation of road space towards cycling.
Some interventions may not have been perfect, but that doesn’t mean they should be scrapped – it means they should be improved: it’s vital that we change the narrative to highlight why cycling and walking space benefits everyone.
And there’s two simple things you can do to help:
Share the facts about cycle lanes
We’ve highlighted the six key reasons why cycle space helps everyone, which you can share on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere you choose, to help spark positive discussion in your local community.
Write to your local paper
Most bike lane backlash is a local issue, so we’ve produced a guide on how to write to your local paper about the benefits cycling space offers whole communities, to help get a positive voice in your local media.
With public transport capacity still severely limited, our green recovery will be stifled by congestion and air pollution if new travel habits aren’t adopted.
Help us make sure that doesn’t happen.