Glasgow Eco Trust

Glasgow Eco Trust website

Glasgow Eco Trust facilitates and empowers local people to come together to make improvements to their local community for the benefit of all. Glasgow Eco Trust is a local environmental charity and social enterprise based in Scotstounhill, west Glasgow that coordinates and delivers a range of environmental activities and services. These are delivered under six key work areas including De’ils On Wheels, their community bike workshop and their Active Travel campaign and services.

Services offered:

  • Bike sales – all bikes come with a 30 day sales promise!
  • Bike servicing and repairs
  • Dr Bike checks
  • Parts, spares and accessories – both new and reused at affordable prices
  • Bike donations

Get involved

See Glasgow Eco Trust’s website for more information about volunteering opportunities, including bike workshop assistant, bike mechanic and cycle champion roles.


07515 879747
[email protected]

[email protected]

Opening Hours

Wednesday 11am – 5pm and Thursday 1-7pm

Glasgow Eco Trust

De'ils On Wheels, Kingsway Court, Glasgow, UK

Glasgow Eco Trust

Heart of Scotstoun Community Centre, 64 Balmoral Street, Glasgow G14 0BL, UK