A message for help from Aye Cycle organisation, Bike for Good.
Dear friends,
Bike for Good needs your help.
As of Monday 16th March, we had to send all our office-based staff home, cancel all our events, and suspend all of our community outreach work. We are now running our shops on skeleton staff, as many have had to go home due to underlying health conditions. We need our workshops to remain open as long as possible, because the people of Glasgow need us now more than ever.
We are heavily reliant on the income from both our shops, and our Business-to-Business services to keep us going. The social enterprise side of our charity pays our rent, provides us spaces to teach community mechanical classes and Fix Your Own Bike sessions, and pays the wages for all our wonderful mechanics. All our B2B services are now cancelled, we can’t run any teaching, and we simply aren’t making enough money.
It would break our hearts not to come out the other side of this alive and well. There is no telling the financial havoc this pandemic will have on our beloved charity.
We are offering a variety of rewards incentives that can be redeemed once we are back to business.
Any donation large or small will be so greatly appreciated.